Manned 24 hour Call-out Service

We want to reassure all interested parties that it is business as usual at HF Group and our service is still 24 / 7.

You can continue to contact us through the usual channels and although we may not be in our offices, our engineers are all on stand by and we remain committed to service our clients without interruption during these difficult times.

What have we done so far?

  • Issued NHS Virus avoidance guidance to all employees.
  • Surveyed staff holiday destinations to allow us to monitor country specific guidance on their return.
  • Office staff to work from home where possible.
  • Regular contact with staff to ascertain their level of well-being.
  • Instructed all employees to inform us if they develop any symptoms so we can arrange for them to return home safely to self-isolate.
  • Regular updates to client to advice of changes to our capabilities from a manpower perspective to provide reassurance of uninterrupted service.
  • Constant monitoring of advice from Government, WHO and Public Health England & Scotland, and dissemination of this to our staff in order to effectively tackle the issue as well as reasonably practicable.

We thank you for your ongoing support and understanding during these unprecedented times.



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